Sphinx Tutorial

November 12, 2022

topic OS required modules
Generate Sphinx documentation for a Python project with the ReadTheDocs theme. Windows venv


Suppose that you have written a Python library and you want to share it with your colleagues. One of the most important things to do is to write a clear documentation. This tutorial will help you in achieving just that.

Our sample project’s structure will look like this


And my_module.py contains the following code:

class MyFirstClass:
    def __init__(self, name: dict):
        """ class constructor """
        self.name = name
    def foo(self) -> None:
        """ This method prints a welcome message """
        print(f"Hello {self.name}")
    def bar(self) -> None:
        """ This method prints a goodbye message """
        print(f"Goodbye {self.name}")

in the end we will obtain an HTML page that documents all the methods we have written above.

Let’s start!

Create a virtual environment and install Sphinx

A bunch of people installing a sphinx. Image rights: Dalle.

  1. Open a shell (you’ll be using this for all the next steps of this tutorial)

  2. Go to the my_project folder

  3. Find the path of your python executable

    python -c "import os, sys; print(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))"

    It will output a path (I’ll refer to it as MY_PATH).
    Copy it, you will need it in the next step.

  4. Create a virtual environment

    MY_PATH/python -m venv "venv-mylibrary"
  5. activate your virtual environment by running

  6. Run the following command to install Sphinx and some auxiliary libraries.

    pip install sphinx==5.3.0 sphinxcontrib.applehelp==1.0.3 sphinx-rtd-theme==1.1.1

    Now you have added sphinx to the requirements of your virtual environment

Sphinx Quickstart

A sphinx quick-starting a race I guess. Image rights: Dalle.

  1. Create a folder where you’ll put your documentation files. I like to call it docs.

    mkdir docs
  2. Navigate to the docs directory
  3. Run the following command to create the necessary Sphinx files and directories:

This command will prompt you for some information about your project, let’s see them in detail:

> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]:

I suggest you to write y, It looks cleaner.

> Project name:

I suggest you to use the name of the project’s root folder.

> Author name(s):

Insert the author names in alphabetical order, separated by a ,

> Project release []:

If you press enter, it will default to 0.0.0, otherwise specify a different version.

> Project languge [en]: 

Press enter, it will default to en.

Finished: An initial directory structure has been created.

    | - docs 
    |    |
    |    | ---------- source
    |    |				|
    |    |				| - conf.py
    |    |				| - index.rst
    |    | - make.bat
    |    | - Makefile
    | - my_module.py

Edit conf.py

The conf.py file let’s you specify what extensions, themes and auxiliary information to create your Sphinx documentation. Modify it as shown below:

# find the row where html_theme is set and modify it as follows (if it doesn't exist create it from scratch)
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'

# find the row that contains extensions = [] and modify it as follows:
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon']

# Add the path of the root directory of the library
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../my_library'))

Create my_module.rst

At the same level of index.rst create a new file called my_module.rst (give it the name of the module you want to document in Sphinx).

    | - docs 
    |    |
    |    | ---------- source
    |    |				|
    |    |				| - conf.py
    |    |				| - index.rst
    |	 |				| - my_module.rst
    |    | - make.bat
    |    | - Makefile
    | - my_module.py

And populate it as follows:


Description of MyClassName

.. autoclass:: my_module.MyFirstClass

This will generate the documentation for each public method of MyClassName.

Repeat this process for all the classes/modules you have.

Edit index.rst

Edit the file docs/source/index.rst to add to the table of content the link to the files you have just created.
Mind the empty line before my_module, it is necessary!

Welcome to MY_LIBRARY's documentation!

This is a high level description of MY_LIBRARY, modify it as you like.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:

.. _my_module: my_module.rst

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

Generate HTML

Once you have populated all of the necessary files, you can generate the HTML documentation by running the following command from the docs directory:

make html

This will create the HTML documentation for your package in the docs/_build/html directory.
You can view the documentation by opening the file index.html in a web browser.


A smiling anthropomorphic Sphinx in an elegant red jacket during a curtain call of a Broadway show in the style of Salvador Dalì. Image rights: Dalle.

That’s it for this tutorial!
You can now publish your repository to readthedocs itself, or in any static website hosting platform (like GitHub Pages).

Suggested reads:

Sphinx Tutorial - November 12, 2022 -